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Alexi Laiho has passed away

Donovan Etue

Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Washington State
    Checked twitter to see what was going on in the world only to see Alexi had passed. I'm not going to say he was my biggest influence ever and that I'm a super fan but the dozen or so songs that I've got on my playlist I rarely skip over when they come on. His technical ability, songwriting capability, and his melodies were incredible. A terrible loss to the music/metal/guitar world. I'm thinking of doing a deep dive through their discography. Any recommended songs? Probably should just start from the beginning and go til there isn't anything left that is new.
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    Reactions: Daniel Sobota
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Daniel Sobota

    Garage band Groupie
    Nov 11, 2019
    Dubrovnik, Croatia
    Checked twitter to see what was going on in the world only to see Alexi had passed. I'm not going to say he was my biggest influence ever and that I'm a super fan but the dozen or so songs that I've got on my playlist I rarely skip over when they come on. His technical ability, songwriting capability, and his melodies were incredible. A terrible loss to the music/metal/guitar world. I'm thinking of doing a deep dive through their discography. Any recommended songs? Probably should just start from the beginning and go til there isn't anything left that is new.
    Start with these songs: Lake Bodom, Everytime I Die, Kissing the Shadows, Downfall, Bed of Razors, Needled 24/7, Angels Don't Kill, Are You Dead Yet, In Your Face, Halo of Blood, Transcendence, Morrigan, I Worship Chaos. All of these songs span across pretty much all through their discography and show what a great songwriter and guitarist he was.

    My personal favorite albums are Follow the Reaper, Hatebreeder and Are You Dead Yet.
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    Synner Endless Summer Collection


    Local Dive Bar Favorite
    Contest Winner!
  • Oct 21, 2020
    I'm still shocked.
    When I was a teenager, I had a good friend that loved Children of Bodom so much, and she was crazy about Alexi Laiho. We lost contact, but I can't help but think of her now.
    I've listened to a few songs a long time ago and was blown away by his musical abilities. I also knew that he was one of @Syn Gates' favorite guitar players, so obviously he was a great musician.
    I'm always sad when I see someone go so soon. He was only 41, a whole life ahead of him. Sending my thoughts and prayers to his family and friends.
    I'm gonna dive into his discography now.

    Kat the metalhead

    Music Theory Bragger
  • Jan 20, 2020
    Ontario Canada
    I can’t even explain how sad I am :cry: I woke up to the news and just froze and started crying. I really looked up to him as a guitar player. It doesn’t feel real that he’s gone :( children of bodom was my gateway into heavier music. I’ve never gotten the chance to see children of bodom live because all the shows were 19+. I thought maybe this year would be the year I got to see one of my inspirations live but I guess not.. what a horrible way to start a new year😭
    Synner Endless Summer Collection