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Arpeggios For Our Original

  • Jak Angelescu
So proud of how easy they've become! I posted this in the original section but I wanted to post it here to just in case if anybody could see it more and offer me any other tips! The sweep lessons have helped so much!
Dude, please don't do this here. You literally sound like every guitar school add in the world saying 'do this and that' and you will progress solo much faster. All Of those things are a lie! You progress by hard work and Jak Nails that so she's perfectly fine if I do say so myself
Reactions: Jak Angelescu
Sure you must put in tons of hours to progress, but I promise some ways to advance faster than others. If we watched a beginner pick up the instrument and try to get better at something, I'm sure we could all chip in with a "try this instead" (not just about basic technique) and show them how to get better faster when it comes to using a metronome, how to practice a phrase, what to play first, etc.. The sky is the limit for learning these methods and we should never stop looking to sharpen ourselves in that manner.
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I promise there are ways to advance faster than others. Not all methods are equal.
While I agree with you those methods may not work for everyone. These arpeggios were being done originally at 65bpms and I was struggling with them. I got them up to 136 with 2 hours of practice
And I know I asked for tips for if anybody could spot anything I can improve on but I guess I should have been more clear by talking about my technique.
If you want to, I am sure other people might benefit from your video and I haven't seen you offer it on anybody else's video or their riff. There is a section that I designated for student exercises and tutorials. That would be great for you to make your video and post it there for other people to see and benefit from!
It took me a few hours to make last night, I'm uploading it now actually. I'll let you know!

These are concepts with in-depth explanations, if you don't have time to watch all 19, look through the list of timestamps and pick 1 or 2 that sound most interesting to you that don't seem like you already would know them

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