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Zippy Pach

Avenged Sevenfold - Seize the day (solo) - Zippy Pach

This was my Second cover of the song Seize the day by Avenged Sevenfold..Please Like,Share,Subscribe...
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No subscriptions or follows here man. Also not many likes to collect. But I can give you some feedback!
You played the solo really well already, but to bring it to the next level I would suggest bringing in more / stronger vibrato and make sure your bends have the right pitch. Some sounded a tiny bit off. Keep it up!
No subscriptions or follows here man. Also not many likes to collect. But I can give you some feedback!
You played the solo really well already, but to bring it to the next level I would suggest bringing in more / stronger vibrato and make sure your bends have the right pitch. Some sounded a tiny bit off. Keep it up!
Thanks you
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It may be among the easier Avenged solos to play TECHNICALLY, but it has its own set of demands around timing, feel, vibrato and bends.

A first year player can play the first solo in Comfortably Numb just fine. But it will be years before he or she can play it RIGHT, and that doesn't necessarily mean mirroring each note and inflection exactly.
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