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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

Blues practice 1

It's been a while since I posted a video in the school. Life's been busy.
I've been working on my blues improv. Basically I'm trying to come up with different ideas using the same backing track. I try to be mindful of my landing notes.
The tones real nice and cool licks.
How come the video says 10+minutes but ends at 1 and the video goes swirly like it's loading?
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The tones real nice and cool licks.
How come the video says 10+minutes but ends at 1 and the video goes swirly like it's loading?
I usually practice looping one part and working different ideas on top of it...I guess I didn't upload the whole audio and forgot to cut the rest of the video off
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I usually practice looping one part and working different ideas on top of it...I guess I didn't upload the whole audio and forgot to cut the rest of the video off
It played the whole audio earlier just once. The other times I tried reloading and it kept ending. Strange o_O

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