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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard
Pablo De Miguel

c minor improvisation

I used the C minor backing track provided on the diminished scale lesson and I tried to apply the Ab diminished on the V chord. I feel that my playing has turned slopier lately and that my chops arent as good as they used to be and I think that the reason of that is that I was burned out. Yesterday I left my guitar to a luthier to readjust it so for the next week I won´t be playing it and also for the next 3 weeks I wont have much time to play since I will be busy with final exams. I will take that as a rest(I will play my guitar once it is fixed before those 3 week, tho, just to keep in shape) and after that I will start practicing at 100% and changing my aproach focusing on certaing aspects of my playing for three months to really improve on whatever I want to get better after moving on to the next thing
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