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chord changing practising on the ending of "One" by U2

So, had to literally force myself to upload this video. Be kind to me As I recorded this I noticed a lot of things I have to work on that I hadn't noticed while just playing (or trying too). Also, sorry for the crappy quality, I'll improve on that too hopefully. Let me know what you think I can do to better myself. Thanks
Thank you! I will try that!
Hey so glad you posted this!
Sounds pretty solid to me. I would say try making the transitions smoother and Incorporate some up strokes to your strumming.

Well done!
Reactions: ari.mac
Hey so glad you posted this!
Sounds pretty solid to me. I would say try making the transitions smoother and Incorporate some up strokes to your strumming.

Well done!
Thank you so much!! Yes I totally need to improve on transitions!! (One thing I noticed on video that I didn't feel while playing is that sometimes my strumming hand stops just a moment while I'm changing chord and I don't know, it's weird!! Because I tried with a metronome and I stay on time so don't know if I'm making a mistake or not) And I'll try and incorporate some upstrokes, I hope to show some improvement soon.
Reactions: Christian Schulze
Great job, your transitions are pretty good, I do hear some muted notes in your chords though (C chord in particular), so work on making sure you are holding each chord in a way that all the notes ring loud and clear. After you have that down work on changing up the strumming pattern a bit as others have suggested.

Keep up the good work
First off, I know it's not easy to upload a video of yourself playing so congrats to you on that. I think your playing sounds really good so far. The timing is dead on.

What did you find that you needed to work on after posting?
Thank you so much for your feedback!! Yeah, re- watching the video I noticed that too and I'll totally work on it! Thanks!!
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First off, I know it's not easy to upload a video of yourself playing so congrats to you on that. I think your playing sounds really good so far. The timing is dead on.

What did you find that you needed to work on after posting?
Thank you for your feedback!! I would like the transitions to be smoother, and as Adin mentioned I hear some muted notes in the chords, so have to work on that too. And I don't know if it is visible here, but on other recordings I noticed my strumming hand stops just a tiny moment when changing the chord, but I tried with the metronome and I'm on time so don't know if I'm really doing it wrong What do you suggest for me to work on?
Recognizing what you see wrong is a great way to learn as well, so props to you for watching your own video and learning from yourself. I agree with what you noticed. I think the timing sounds good. I do notice your strumming hand stop a bit when changing chords, and that will probably go away the more you practice and get comfortable with changing chords. When you do change chords, do you think about your strumming? You probably are, which is why you see the slight hesitation. But again, that will go away with more practice. Keep up the great work!
Reactions: ari.mac

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