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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard
Ashley Willis

Adrian Smith The Trooper solo

Picking advice on Adrian Smith’s solo from “The Trooper”. What’s the best way to pick progressively faster licks? I show how I do it but they’re may be an easier or better way. Up for any advice and help to get up to speed.
Hey dude! Good question. This is a simple lick but it made me stop and analyze my technique a little bit, and I'm glad I did!

Personally, I think the most efficient way to play this is strict alternate picking. The weird thing about this is that you're playing in 3's, so every other bend on the 14th fret G string is an upstroke. It's a little strange, but try playing it really slow at first and build speed. You'll start with a downstoke on the bend, then ^v on the 12th & 15th frets of the B string, then it flips and you play an upstoke on the bend and a v^ on the 12th & 15th frets of the B string. After a bit it feels really natural!

Let me know how that works for you

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