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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard
Ezequiel Romanko

The Wicked Game Demo

hi guys this a old demo of a song i made, idk why i called it the wicked game, its not complete there missing solos and the outro is poor haha, also i don't know much about recording or mixing, i hope you like the song, i want to ask what i can do to improve my song writting and mixing haha
This was a really good demo! My only suggestion is that there are some times when the down stroke chugs are not on time with what the drummer is doing or the drum program whatever it is you are using. For example at 0:58. Every time throughout the song you perform this kind of part it has a tendency to be off time with the drums. I also think that the harmonizing lead guitar parts are awesome! But after having them done so many times in the song they start to all sound similar to each other and they have a very similar Melody unless that was intentional then great job! My favorite part was at the 2:27 mark!!! Super awesome groovy stuff!! I think this is definitely going to be a masterpiece once it's completed. One of my favorite things about your riff and demo is that you can hear where the chorus and verse and things like that are supposed to be. Very melodic too!
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thanks a lot jak :) yeah the melody was intentional but now that you mention it its repetetive maybe i can do something different or just do different textures :) when i do the final version i will upload it here :) thank you very much for the feedback and the cheers :)
I was banging my head all the way. Nice energy on this track. On some parts though, your strumming/chugs were off beat. if you work on that and re record it, it will sound killer
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thanks sayonil :) yeah i had a problem to record cuz the interface that i use doesn't seems to support cheap audiophones cuz the center track where it was the metronome didn't work idk why :( but when i buy some monitors i will redo the song completly with the missing parts
That sounds pretty cool! I like it when the game is so high quality. For example, I'm looking for games here, or rather providers that offer such games with profitable deposits.

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Ezequiel Romanko
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