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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

fade to black 1st solo improvement#2

Again...still working on it. Not nailing it, but getting a bit closer I guess...
I like his so much, well done!! So good how you do the sweep part, the pull of from 14 to 19th (advice on how you did that?)
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Reactions: Mariler
I like his so much, well done!! So good how you do the sweep part, the pull of from 14 to 19th (advice on how you did that?)
Thank you!!
I’m not sure what to say, I’m not actually aware while I’m playing 😅 , but I think the key is holding the guitar neck firmly between your thumb and index finger, and the other thing I would say is keeping the fist of your picking hand closed, so you can play faster. Hope it helps
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WTF MARILER IS SWEEPING?!?!?! DUDE!! Great job beauty! I especially love how you used your pinky for that little trill towards the end! Just really focus on your vibrato more, and keep practicing this to make it really smooth. I'm BEYOND IMPRESSED!
HELL YEAHH!!! Can you believe it??
And yes, vibrato is torturing me,... but I keep on working on it 💪.

Thanks for your comment!!

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