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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard
Ashley Willis

Crazy Train solo: Take 2

Update: a little more practice with the Crazy Train solo. 2nd video. Getting better but still having some trouble, especially with the ascending riff at the end. Odd angle for my hands to get there in time.
I don't care who says otherwise this is not an easy solo to tackle. You did very good on the trills because those are one of the most difficult parts! I know you know where you need work because you allowed yourself to look slow down and work through them. But you're not doing yourself any favors with this string muter on your neck. I would suggest taking it off and letting yourself work on your string muting. Fucking great work man. Keep at it!
I don't care who says otherwise this is not an easy solo to tackle. You did very good on the trills because those are one of the most difficult parts! I know you know where you need work because you allowed yourself to look slow down and work through them. But you're not doing yourself any favors with this string muter on your neck. I would suggest taking it off and letting yourself work on your string muting. Fucking great work man. Keep at it!
I actually only used the muter just to record the video 😂. I actually hardly ever use it.
Getting smoother. That end run has really wonky timing (the real one). Make sure you listen closely with a slow-downer to know where the accent or prime notes are - the ones that land on a beat, so you can time the rest around those. PROGRESS!!!!!
Getting smoother. That end run has really wonky timing (the real one). Make sure you listen closely with a slow-downer to know where the accent or prime notes are - the ones that land on a beat, so you can time the rest around those. PROGRESS!!!!!
I think that timing plus getting my hand/arm into position is what’s throwing me off. I know the notes, but getting that timing and accent down isn’t easy. Getting there though!

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