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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard
Pablo De Miguel

Loud by polyphia cover

There are some sloppy parts here and there but overall I think I played it good
VERY nice! Great work for playing the whole thing through without editing! We get to see your raw talent. I'm sure you know where you need work. But my biggest note is your vibrato is weak. I want to hear it come through more. Your playing is beautiful and I'd like to see your vibrato match the rest of your level. Get more into it!
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VERY nice! Great work for playing the whole thing through without editing! We get to see your raw talent. I'm sure you know where you need work. But my biggest note is your vibrato is weak. I want to hear it come through more. Your playing is beautiful and I'd like to see your vibrato match the rest of your level. Get more into it!
Thank you!! It can´t be seen on the video but I used a lot the volume and tone knobs trying to get the different textures that polyphia uses on that song XD. Also, could you tell me what you don´t like about my vibrato so I can start working on fix it??

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