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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard
Pablo De Miguel

improv etude day 1

So my current goal is to really know the major scale(and the modes consecuently). To do that I´m going to learn every single arpeggio within the scale(as PG teach on lessons 50 and 51) and then I´m going to improvise over a backing track and every single time that the chord changes I will try to play one of the notes that build up that chord. The baking track that I chose is in G major and I will improvise over it on every video of this etudes to make easier to compare any kind of improvement. I started whith just one position of the scale and I will add one more position on every video. One last thing I want mention: I am constantly looking at the screen of the laptop because I did´t memoriced the chord of the backing track yet XD
Was cleaning my room, didn't realize it was 10 minutes xD You know a lot of shapes, maybe you can try to add double stops or chords in between. Like; Dun, Dun, Dun, Chord or mix that up, I should probably take some of my own advice... :D
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XD For now I will just learn all the shapes in every position because when you add one more position there are more and more things to think and care about while improvising but once I get that down I will start working on double stops and trying to do more interesting things as you sugested and to apply that knowledge to other keys, I will porbably upload videos doing that aswell
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:D I'm tring to figure it out too, the CAGED think is helping alot right now with my playing. i just learned more chords all the sudden it;s weird, i think double stops is easy if you take one note from where you playing and just connect another note to it. usually one that fits or sounds good for you, maybe it's possible from that double stop to change the shape? I have a tendency to play out of key or position, GL
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:D I'm tring to figure it out too, the CAGED think is helping alot right now with my playing. i just learned more chords all the sudden it;s weird, i think double stops is easy if you take one note from where you playing and just connect another note to it. usually one that fits or sounds good for you, maybe it's possible from that double stop to change the shape? I have a tendency to play out of key or position, GL
Yes,you can move a double stop from one position to an other position of the caged system, however, im working on the arpeggios of the lesson 50
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