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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

Arpeggios For Our Original

  • Jak Angelescu
So proud of how easy they've become! I posted this in the original section but I wanted to post it here to just in case if anybody could see it more and offer me any other tips! The sweep lessons have helped so much!
Very clean! You seem quite content with your progress thus far, but if you ever want to push past your usual progress pace and start reaching for something that is frighteningly fast... or at least faster than you think you can play, let me know. I can put together a video filled with specific practice methods that can help you improve quicker, and still retain your accuracy. If you haven't figured out already, it's not about which arpeggio or lick you chose, it's how you practice it that elevates your skills.. just let me know if you're interested!
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Very clean! You seem quite content with your progress thus far, but if you ever want to push past your usual progress pace and start reaching for something that is frighteningly fast... or at least faster than you think you can play, let me know. I can put together a video filled with specific practice methods that can help you improve quicker, and still retain your accuracy. If you haven't figured out already, it's not about which arpeggio or lick you chose, it's how you practice it that elevates your skills.. just let me know if you're interested!
Dude.. no one can tell you how to practice better then jak. I have a hard time believing anyone could create better methods then she has over the years here.
Dude.. no one can tell you how to practice better then jak. I have a hard time believing anyone could create better methods then she has over the years here.
I'd wager all my guitars and gear on the notion that you are wrong. This might seem like I'm overreacting but this a VERY important point. NOBODY who has achieved anything great ever thought they knew it all. (Myself included) Once a person starts to believe they know everything there is to know about a topic, in this case, practicing, their rate of improvement will never be more than it is currently. If a person is fine with not learning faster, than sure look no further, never consult another teacher, never listen to any more advice from anyone who has accomplished more than you, never push yourself out of your own habits. There's literally hundreds of ways to practice wrong and right, some yield more, less, or bad results. A student must relentlessly look to add in better, more high quality methods and ideas, and part with the sub-par, lesser methods, if they want to do more than dabble. (Not saying Jak has bad methods, I just want to offer some ideas, that's what this school is about)

But hey let's have some fun, don't take my word for it, how bout I make a video, and if Jak says she already knew everything I went over, I'll GIVE YOU ALL MY GUITARS.
I'm just saying jaks improvement over the past year is by her practicing and making up MANY exercises. You're post leads me.to believe you dont even know who she is or you wouldnt be offering that much to her over anyone else here is all I'm saying. You're chasing the wrong person here
I'm not chasing anyone, you're the one defending someone from potentially learning something as if they already know everything. I'm sure she knows things I don't, and I'm sure I know things she doesn't based on her current skill level as demonstrated in her videos. If anything she IS the one who needs the best info since she constantly posts, she would be able to give back MORE to the community if she just had more information at her disposal... it even says in her description she welcomes tips, so I don't understand why you are so steadfast to tell me to not tell her anything lol

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