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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

Sweeping Harmony Nonsense in C

I know it's far from perfect, but I'm really proud to have had this idea and made it come to fruition all today, it was a pain to just do this with my guitars, amp, and iphone, but here it is.
As always, constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated.
That was cool, I got to try that on mine too. How did you connect your amp to the phone? I think I saw ways but haven't tried it yet. There's so much to learn aside from just the guitar, really cool how this stuff is even possible, scary too
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That was cool, I got to try that on mine too. How did you connect your amp to the phone? I think I saw ways but haven't tried it yet. There's so much to learn aside from just the guitar, really cool how this stuff is even possible, scary too
I actually just put my phone right against my amp with the camera on so that it would capture the video and audio as best I could without any actual equipment. It isn't hooked up in any direct way.
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whoops everything's in the left speaker, guess that's just how it goes.
Sounds like you tried to do mono but mono also is left speaker only in some cases.. when i record with my camera it does that and I have to split the stereo effect in left o nly to mono. Due to mono option being the same as left speaker i guess some programs get confused.
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Sounds like you tried to do mono but mono also is left speaker only in some cases.. when i record with my camera it does that and I have to split the stereo effect in left o nly to mono. Due to mono option being the same as left speaker i guess some programs get confused.
okay, thanks for the tip, I'll try to get it right next time.

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