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Avenged Sevenfold - Hail to the King - Guitar Solo Cover

Well, it's a great responsability upload a cover from this song, in a group to his author. But, if i may, is a honor, because i love the track, and the solo. Hope i did it the right way. If synyster watch this, forgive me any incorretions, i'll do my best. Cheers
Great effort dude! Love how you didn't let the small mistakes stop ya! Keep at it and you'll nail it in no time! 🤘💀🤘
You guys are so sweet!! When I finish my practice session I'll give this a listen and help out if I can😍
AAAHHHH I LOVE THIS! This brings back so many wonderful memories for me on this school!
I have a few things to say. First, you need to pat yourself on the back because there's ONE thing you should NEVER do when playing, and that's stop the music. If you fuck up, play wrong notes, or whatever DO NOT GET OUT OF BEAT AND KEEP PLAYING. It's a hard thing to do, and you did JUST that!
I am so happy to see this! I know you'll improve greatly on it :)
But, the second part of this solo is VERY....VERY tricky. Every note of every arpeggio seriously needs to get its full volume or it will sound too percussive. Please slow it down, and do not rush it. Relax, feel the beat to a metronome, and enjoy sitting in the beat and not forcing it :)

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