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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard
Pablo De Miguel

2022 02 16 days of wine and roses

So the past week one of the music schools in which I´m planning to take an acces exam organiced an open day in which i got to see some lessons and receive a lesson from a teacher from the school. The teacher told me that I´m not skilled enought to pass the exam and gave me a few advices to work on. I still have 3-4 months to prepare myself for the exam. I also realised how important is to have contact with musicians, because there was a big difference between the other two applicants, who have regular touch with other musicians and have lessons with a jazz teacher and me,I live in a small village so I don´t have the chance to meet other musicians and to have lessons with a teacher neither(I´m taking online lessons but it is not te same thing). However, I came back home motivated, I restructured my practice routine based on what the teacher advised me and I think that by the time the exams come I will have chances to pass.

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