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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

Afterlife solo cover

Did my best to get it to sound as close to the studio recording as possible. As this solo still seems to be somewhat of an unsolved myth - ask me everything you want to know about it and I'll try my best to help you!
My boy's fingers went into another dimension 🤯

I have a few questions...
1. How long did it take you to get those sweeps that smooth?
2. Did you find this solo easy or hard?
3. Any tips for string muting because this was crystal fucking clear
4. Would you consider doing a lesson on this on SynTV?
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Reactions: SimonEichinger
My boy's fingers went into another dimension 🤯

I have a few questions...
1. How long did it take you to get those sweeps that smooth?
2. Did you find this solo easy or hard?
3. Any tips for string muting because this was crystal fucking clear
4. Would you consider doing a lesson on this on SynTV?
Haha! :D

1. Hard to answer, I've been working on sweep picking technique for years.
The shapes used in this solo are pretty "normal" ones, so I didn't have to specifically work on this solo to improve my sweep picking, if that makes sense.
2. It's tough. Getting everything to sound smooth and especially clean + playing it in one take is pretty damn difficult.
3. Use your right hand palm to mute the lower strings and the inside of your left hand fingers for the higher ones. It's a combination of both hands!
4. Yes, why not! ;)
This is extremely well done!

I don’t suppose you have tabs of what you do for the legato part in the middle, as well as the quick runs at the end with slides?

Most of the official A7X tab books are horribly inaccurate, unfortunately.

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