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D Major Jam

Hey guys. So I haven't posted here in a while, and I'm going to tell you why. I lost motivation. And this wasn't the typical "Eh, I don't feel like playing right now". I was in a rut. My dream/goal is to be a professional musician. To be part of a successful band and write amazing music that makes people headbang and cry and have fun. Well, I've become increasingly aware that while I have been practicing for the past year on the school, I was doing a couple of things wrong.
1. I haven't been taking any tangible action towards actually writing music. So now that I'm starting to, I'm writing cliche stuff and find myself stuck in dead ends.
2. Despite being on the school for over a year, I had to swallow the giant, shit-flavored pill that I rushed through the content. I treated it as a race, trying to get to the end as fast as possible. Obviously, that didn't do much for me. I still learned a good amount, but I had to admit to myself that my impatience got the better of me.
(Cont. below)
So, there were about 3 weeks where I did nothing. I looked at my guitar, and felt overwhelmed by the weight of my dream. Thus, I did absolutely nothing, all the while completely aware of the fact that by doing nothing, I was only delaying any progress. It was one of the best and worst things to happen to me. It taught me a lot about myself, how much I need to improve, and how much I need to let go of.
I shouldn't expect to become a God in a few days. It takes time, and I'm finally coming to terms with that. So, I've decided to start over. I've started from lesson 1, just in case there's anything I've overlooked. I'm up to the CAGED system, again, and this is an improv I created from it. My phrasing could use some work, but overall I am satisfied with where I'm at. Because I've been taking my time with each shape, and understanding how to use them better. The point of this story isn't to search for pity, but rather to try to help anybody else who feels the way I have. It is the story of the tortoise and the hare, and I have chosen to be more like the tortoise from now on. I hope you do, too.
Reactions: Dominik Gräber
Hey man! Good you're back! And it's fantastic what you've learned. Because I feel like that's what most people have to / had to learn one way or the other, myself included. Rushing it brings you nowhere which is a problem if you're inpatient. But it seems you're back on track! Great! I really dig your jam, it flows well and I don't think your phrasing was bad at all!
Reactions: Anthony Peña
Thanks man, it's good to be back! Thank you so much. I have to agree with you. It's a hard thing to work through, but I say it's worth going through. Thank you again! Looking forward to seeing more of your content again!
Reactions: Dominik Gräber

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