Done for a college assignment. Attempt at the SGS Economy Picking Etude 1 after around a week of practice.
Had to focus the camera on my picking hand so apologies that you can't see my fretting hand that much.
I keep having problems where I don't let the strings ring out long enough, but here I think I managed to get it somewhat right. A little annoyed that I completely botched the bend right at the end, but this was my best recorded attempt to date. Planning to try move onto the next step of the Etude with the 6 notes, can do it around 70% speed but any faster and I lose it.
As for my picking, I feel like it's not smooth enough at this speed, still feels like I'm plucking more despite trying to angle the pick a little. Is it just because it's slow and that once I get faster, it'll be a lot smoother? Also, is it bad I rest the guitar on my left leg to reach notes comfortably? Tips + comments appreciated!
(Also a side note to everyone who offered me advice yesterday - Thank you!!)