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Fade to black 1st solo// improvement??

Hey . Me again playing this first solo one week later. Not really sure if there’s been any improvement but at least I can say I feel way more confident and that’s a good thing
Hell yeah it’s better ! Right off the bat I noticed the tone sounds so much cleaner, your slides are a bit smoother and It seems like your vibrato is a lot more controlled !!! Keep it up ! This was awesome !
Great improvement. One thing I would heavily advise would be to use some more force of your picking, especially during the fast part. You don't have to necessarily strum harder, but give your pick a little more depth and dig into the strings a little more. This will help with tone and precision. The second thing that will help you with that end sweep lick is the concept of rest strokes, are you familiar with that term? Because you can't sweep consistently or fast without them... I had to learn that the hard way lol
Reactions: Mariler
I like both versions, the hard part seems smoother in the first part. I like your sound. I think youre really making progress when i watch your videos. Good that youre more confident. You are motivating me to get the hard part at good speed, im at 50 procent now at sweeping part, so difficult to get it faster, it goes slow to speed up. Do u have advice for that?

@Lucas Weiman , can u explain what u mean, is it that you cant accidentally touch a string naar an other string?
Reactions: Mariler

Thank you!! So good to hear that you are feeling motivated to go for the difficult part. My advice would be always add a little bit of a challenge. Even when you didn’t get the sweeping part perfect at 50%, try it a little bit faster, like 60 or 70, several times. Doesn’t matter if you can’t make it, just try it and if it is too bad go back to 50% until your motion is a bit more perfect and then try to speed up again. In my case when I try speeding up and have to back down and play slowly again, my slow playing is better than before, so I can speed up then and play it better.
I’m not sure if my explanation is clear or very confusing . The idea would be (at least it’s what works for me) to add a little bit of difficulty because if you can play it fairly decent a little bit faster you will get more confident and feel more in control.
Reactions: Kim

Thanks for your tips! [USER=4404]@Lucas Weiman
I am actually totally unfamiliar with sweeping , I had never tried it before (maybe I should go to Syn’s etudes and do some exercises). What are exactly rest strokes?
Reactions: Mariler

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