Mike Creuzer
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Mike Creuzer
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Guitar Experience (years)
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  • Hey man!

    Just wanted to stop by and say thank you for all your hard work - I haven’t talked to many people here but I enjoyed hearing from you during the webinar. I know you’ve been killing it with the development and rollout and your demo was so cool. Pretty awesome that it’s getting to the place where it can be downloaded, when not too long ago it was just an idea!

    I am no programmer so I basically just admire your wizard skills. I do plan on using the streaming feature, and I’ve never even considered it before!

    Anyway, it’s mad cool that the app is nearing the beta testing/live stage. Just wanted to say thank you! 🤘
    Hey all, app is rolling out as we speak! Will still be a bit but in case you see any weirdness or anything.
    I subscribed to the media category "Student Lesson Practices" but I'm not getting my notifications for it. Please fix this or I'll find you in the lab and knock you in the back of the head and then shoot you while you're scanning and then blame it on Alex.
    Mike Creuzer
    Sensing mild hostility but might be me projecting so my therapist would say. I'll see if I can replicate
    • J

      Jak Angelescu

    Please tell me you got my "Among Us" reference and I didn't just come off like a murderously crazy woman :ROFLMAO:
    This status may or may not have been posted from the new app. :)


    • status_49166_1621548606997.png
      33.7 KB · Views: 287
    Shoutout to @Jak Angelescu for the inspiration on the color around here! Hopefully its just the right amount of "smack ya in the mouth" :D

    Im quite fond of it personally!!
    • J

      Jak Angelescu

    HA! "Smack ya in the mouth". Those are the words I should have used when I was trying to convey my point :ROFLMAO: I think I used the words "Punch you in the face" but "smack you in the mouth" is a little less Grand Theft Auto:ROFLMAO: Thank you so much for doing that! You guys really did an amazing job!
    Hey, I think I should turn to you when it's about the color scheme of the school? Just letting you know, on the PC version of the school, when you drag your mouse over one of the headings like home/lessons etc it turns into a bright yellow and you can't see the font anymore. Might also just be a problem of the "dark mode" of the school.
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