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Recent content by Ashlyn Payne

  1. Ashlyn Payne

    Feature Requests for Synyster Gates School?

    i know the date has techiquely passed but if you do another review here’s some more ideas. Firstly I don’t know if this is just me but there’s appears to be some bugs on the site. Pages taking too slow to load, can’t seem to access the guitar profiles sometimes (this is a problem at this moment)...
  2. Ashlyn Payne

    Attention Span

    This might seem a bit stupid but I have a really bad attention span when trying to focus, due to certain learning problems I have and because of the fact that I tend to home in on my flaws as well, I recently been feeling really useless and when I have tried to practice, I get really upset...
  3. Ashlyn Payne

    what's your favorite a7x album and why?

    this might be a bit of an odd thing to say but i don’t actually have a favorite album. i find that each album is great in their own way
  4. Ashlyn Payne


    sure. would love to chat
  5. Ashlyn Payne

    A message from Syn Gates

    Glad that this will be somewhere where we can all be ourselves and learn from each other
  6. Ashlyn Payne

    Let's get to know each other!

    Hey. So I’m 25 and I’ve always wanted to play the guitar so last year I finally got one and decided to play. Syn is all time fave guitarist and was one of influences I came across. My guitar is just a basic model by Benson and that caused me to nickname it Benny. Can’t wait to get to know people...
  7. Ashlyn Payne


    Yo. I’d love to chat 🙂
  8. Ashlyn Payne

    Favourite Avenged Sevenfold song and why

    Crossroads. Hands down, it’s my favorite. I relate to it so much it’s unreal.