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Recent content by Blackshirtproud

  1. B

    Favourite A7X song at the moment for y'all?

    "Set me free" right now. Also really love "Malaguña Salerosa". The latter to me rally shows A7X is no ordinary band.
  2. B

    My new Syn custom!

    Lucky guy! I would love to have just one, let alone multiples!
  3. B

    Getting a Syn tone.

    Not really sure. I have only begun into the world of guitar. I guess I figured the two higher end modelers would dial it in way better. The Blackstar was only $120.
  4. B

    Getting a Syn tone.

    When using something like the fractal or line 6, do they work fine with a modeling amp? Or is it better for a powered cab? I never plan to gig so It can be hard to justify the cost on some of the components. I get the buy once cry once but oi.
  5. B

    Getting a Syn tone.

    I am interested in obtaining Syn's tone as close as possible. I will be switching my pups to the Vader's soon and have a Blackstar ID Core 2 right now. Thinking of getting a Line 6 pod. But what other methods would you go about. Pedals? Etc? It seems that Chorus plays a good part. Help a Syner out?