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Brett Rochester

Started started taking guitar lessons at the age of 4 years old. I got so good for my age group that my instructor wanted to start teaching me scales and I could not wrap my head around the madness so I stopped for 10 years. But a friend introduced me to nightmare in highschool and the moment I heard Syns solo in that song I was like I have to learn that, so I went down a rabbit whole of A7x songs I grabbed a couple of guitar books and started teaching myself. I was self taught for many years until syn announced this school...and now I my guitar hero as a teacher...blows my mind. This school really made me revisit the basics and refine them. Because of that where I am now musically compared to 3 years ago it pales in comparison. Im not in a band or anything. Well I used to play with a group of friends in a garage and we called ourselves The Wolf Pack😭😭 like what the what... but that was a few years ago. Now I just play in my man cave and record myself and try not to suck. I'm sure this section isn't meant for this whole backstory😅 but oh well. I also like food, videogames and building gaming pcs as of recently. Oh and I also have a wife who loves Avenged which I mean come one, who else would you rather marry...and I also I have a dog. She likes Avenged too.😬

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Delaware, USA
