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Recent content by Daniel Sims

  1. Daniel Sims

    A7X listening party TODAY at 5pm PT with Syn in chat!

    Amazing!! Cannot wait. Thank you Syn and Synner team. We are the luckiest fans in the world 🙏
  2. Daniel Sims

    Most Epic Song Ever?

    Sorry, ignore my previous response (phone is glitching out). Was trying to say that yes it is indeed one of the most epic songs ever! I could listen to it for eternity.
  3. Daniel Sims

    Most Epic Song Ever?

    Yep, one of thenkos Yup, definitely one of the most epic songs ever created! Those guys are fucking geniuses. Could listen to that song on repeat for eternity.
  4. Daniel Sims

    Has Music Evolution Become Stagnant?

    Great post! I agree that music evolution has seemingly become stagnant. I think it is still evolving, but at a less noticeable rate. I've noticed a trend of modern metal bands that have gone back to their 'roots' in recent years. Take Bullet for my Valentine, Trivium, or The Amity Affliction for...
  5. Daniel Sims

    Guitar strings

    Ultimately I'd say it's personal preference. But as a guide, thicker gauge strings are better if you're going to use lower tunings 👍 As for cleaning, I'm not so sure! Personally, I simply replace the strings and give the fretboard a good clean in between.
  6. Daniel Sims

    Playing with friends.

    Most AC/DC riffs are at least somewhat attainable for a beginner! 'Back in Black' is always a winner, as it combines basic chords and lick practise 🤘
  7. Daniel Sims

    Deathbats Club