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Recent content by Greg Howard

  1. Greg Howard

    New amp suggestions

    I like my Peavy 6505MH. You can knock it down to 1 watt and get it low enough volume to play it bedroom levels
  2. Greg Howard

    Staying focused

    Oh, I have no delusions of being as good as Syn, ever.
  3. Greg Howard

    Staying focused

    So, I have a problem. I have been playing for about 3 months, just recently my strumming has become somewhat acceptable, to the point that I can jam on some power chords and it sounds pretty decent. There in lies my problem though, when i start to practice, i will lose focus as i just want to...
  4. Greg Howard

    What are you currently listening to?

    Avatar’s Statue of a King is a concept album, just like Feathers and Flesh, tells a story. I’m going to see them in Feb in Cleveland. Cant wait. I first saw them a couple of years ago when they opened for Avenged in Toledo. Been a huge fan ever since. Bloody Angel may be the best song ever.
  5. Greg Howard


    I’ve been using my son’s Playstation 4 headphones and need to upgrade. Any suggestions for some budget friendly headphones that are good for guitar sounds. I would be using them direct from an audio interface and from the amp.
  6. Greg Howard


    Never mind. Found it.
  7. Greg Howard


    Is there a search feature for the forums? I would rather search for a related topic then to add a new thread.
  8. Greg Howard

    Breaking bad habbits

    To Syn, or anyone else, how do you keep going after a mistake? I’m just starting, about 2 months in, but whenever I am practicing scales and I miss a string or hit the wrong fret, everything comes to a screeching halt. I’m assuming that just more playing time will correct it, but I have watched...
  9. Greg Howard

    Rocording interface

    Can i run the guitar thru a pedal board and then into the interface?
  10. Greg Howard

    Rocording interface

    This may be a dumb question, but I have never set anything up to record myself, sooooo. Can you plug your guitar directly into a Behringer U-PHORIA UMC404HD (http://www.guitarcenter.com/Behringer/U-PHORIA-UMC404HD-Audiophile.gc) and then record onto your laptop? And if so, can you then run the...
  11. Greg Howard

    Where is everybody from?

    Poland, Ohio here and yes it is cold