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Recent content by Josh Wright

  1. Josh Wright

    My solo philosophy

    I had never thought about how to use the root note to signify the end, but it makes a lot of sense.
  2. Josh Wright

    I'm back

    It’s been quite a while since I’ve logged in, school got busy awhile ago with it being my senior year of high school, and so it kind of got pushed to the back of my mind. I’ve still been playing, and now with school coming to an end, I can spend a lot more time focusing on guitar.
  3. Josh Wright

    Soundbrenner Core

    I use the soundbrenner app, and the soundbrenner core seems like a great idea for when you are playing loud or playing live and a click isn’t possible. You can link up your bands and have a stylist made that it will switch tempos for you with the tap of a button. I don’t have one, but I want it.
  4. Josh Wright

    Picking Problems!

    I experience this from time to time. I cant really explain it.
  5. Josh Wright

    An idea for Halloween?

    I learned the song years ago as a stripped down just lead version, itd be fun to experiment and see what I can do.
  6. Josh Wright

    Aren't We Lucky?

    It truly is amazing. The amount of power they actually have and they use it for good. Syn and Papa are honestly real life guitar superheroes.
  7. Josh Wright

    Thick vs thin picks

    When strumming I use a thinner pick, like .73 or something, but when doing lead or a rhythm section that is heavy I use a 2.0 jazz style pick.
  8. Josh Wright

    YOU GUYS! I dedicate this to the School, Papa & $yn!!🤩

    Good job!!! It is great to see your improvements!
  9. Josh Wright

    Intimidated Yet Curious Newcomer

    I have the same response anytime I get the notification that syn or papa liked something I posted.
  10. Josh Wright

    It's not letting me post a riff

    When I try to post a riff, it acts like the field for the link is empty.
  11. Josh Wright

    Pedal volume Loss

    It happens to me sometimes. At times it’s a cable or a loose connection. Other times I think one pedal is acting up. It’s always hard to tell.
  12. Josh Wright

    Single coil Vs humbucker

    Currently, I have not had good experience with single coils. All the ones I’ve used are noisy, and I’ve never gotten a smooth sound out of them. It could just be my playing style, but they are too bright for me, I prefer the warmer humbuckers that can sing when clean or distorted.
  13. Josh Wright

    How to apply music theory

    Jak gave great advice and I want to affirm using the blues. The blues uses the pentatonic so if you know the pentatonic to use you can play lead over a blues backing track.
  14. Josh Wright

    Show off your equipment/setup.

  15. Josh Wright

    Show off your equipment/setup.

    This is how my corner is supposed to look, it’s gone to shit out of laziness and what not. I have a blue squier affinity series strat, an sigma acoustic, and a dean vendetta. Acoustic G10 10w amp, Marshall MG 15CDR, and a Peavey Bandit. My pedal board has a behringer tube overdrive, behringer...