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  • ive been playing electric guitar for almost 2years im not an expert synyster is my favorite guitar player i try to play like him but add my own twist to it but im still learning things any tips would be appreciated like how much time each day should i set aside to practice but also im supper excited to be on here at his school very kool thank u gates ur the best
    Donovan Etue
    Swapping out say a passive Schecter which doesn't have a spot for the battery will be a bit more difficult and should be done by either someone with a good amount of experience with a router or a guitar tech at your well rated guitar shop. There are a few little differences in Syns signature pickups as well since there are models meant to go with tremolo bridges like a Fender Strat tremolo or a floyd rose and some models for traditional hard tail bridges found on like a Gibson Les Paul or a normal Telecaster. The difference is that the pole pieces in the middle of normal passive pickups are a little wider on the bridge pickup to account for the width of the floyd rose or the width of the tune o matic bridge.
    Donovan Etue
    So if you've got a floyd rose on your guitar get the set with the label tremolo. If you've got a hard tail bridge where there isn't a tremolo bar get the Traditional set. I would recommend taking the guitar and pickups to a tech if you haven't done much of any work yourself on the guitar before to make sure it's done properly. One thing to note is that if you really like the sound of the pickups in your current guitar but you're still considering swapping them out you probably won't like the new set as the old. But who knows you could end up liking them just as much as the set before and I was wrong. Have a good day man!
    Ed Seith
    The only thing I can say aside from what has been said is that with the covers (that are soldered or welded in place), these are physically LARGE pickups. I think they'd fit fine in any pickup rings or in a strat-like pickguard the pickups mount to, but in my direct-mount Ibanez, I'm looking at a fair bit of opening up the cavities to put them in. Right now, the guitar sits with no strings and no pickups, waiting for me to do that.
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