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Recent content by Kevindante

  1. Kevindante

    Heretic Solo

    I dont usually ask for help with tones but could someone help me get the solo tone for Heretic I have all the syn cab packs on my Fractal
  2. Kevindante

    Cab Packs

    Really? Thanks Cpt
  3. Kevindante

    Cab Packs

    Why cant the Syn Cabs packs be used with the FM9?
  4. Kevindante

    Which guitar should I choose?

    silver mountain dude i just got the avenger apoc red reign a few weeks ago and it is magic
  5. Kevindante

    Do u have an AX FX or any fractal audio unit?

    Do u have an AX FX or any fractal audio unit?
  6. Kevindante

    Found an awesome City of Evil rip off tone 😆

    Found an awesome City of Evil rip off tone 😆
  7. Kevindante

    Going for the planets solo tonight....maybes

    Going for the planets solo tonight....maybes
  8. Kevindante

    Scream solo picking pattern

    Yeah as long as it sounds right play it how u feel
  9. Kevindante

    Oh found it

    Oh found it
  10. Kevindante


    Thank you!
  11. Kevindante


    Hey Brian...my god it’s to be here and to here from you!
  12. Kevindante


    Oh and my guitar isn’t a Syn custom it’s an old diamond series avenger I was bored and just stripped the original and and put some similar to Syn stripes on it with a deadpool eyes
  13. Kevindante

    I see no three dots on top right window

    I see no three dots on top right window
  14. Kevindante


    Not really much to say just found out about this and thought it would be a good idea to learn the actual techniques Syn uses
  15. Kevindante

    How do you complete lessons so lost on here...

    How do you complete lessons so lost on here...