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Recent content by Larry Tooley

  1. Larry Tooley

    Hey all! New to the site...

    Welcome, Alex!
  2. Larry Tooley

    What are you currently listening to?

    The first song off the first album from the band that caused me and my best friend to start our band when we were 13.
  3. Larry Tooley

    What are you currently listening to?

    Been revisiting Carcass and just discovered Unleash the Archers about a month ago. The sound Apex by them is a monster. Also, love the into to this Carcass song. Bill Steer is a monster guitar player.
  4. Larry Tooley

    SETUP: Basics of Intonation

    Thanks for doing this @Ed Seith . I know I knew less than nothing when I got my first guitar which by the way had a Floyd on it. It looked cool. Once it was in tune it tended to stay, but getting there can be an adventure when you don't know the basics. Any one can sound pro on an in tune...
  5. Larry Tooley

    FRIZZLE FRY by Primus

    I love Frizzle Fry! After see the "Jerry Was a Race Car Driver" video on MTV, I borrowed Frizzle Fry from a friend and dubbed it to cassette and spent the entire marching band season listening to the album on the bus. I loved Larry LaLonde's playing so much. It was so weird and different from...
  6. Larry Tooley

    Back in the saddle again! I'm back! Took a bit of a break for the holidays. I was playing a lot...

    Back in the saddle again! I'm back! Took a bit of a break for the holidays. I was playing a lot leading up to the beginning of December with a cover group. I'm out! Doing my own thing for a while. Going to try to write 52 songs in 52 weeks. It will be terrible, at least in the beginning but I...
  7. Larry Tooley

    What are you currently listening to?

    Lunch run musics.
  8. Larry Tooley

    Anyone have an electronic pedalboard ?

    I have a bunch of pedals, but who wants to carry that mess around. So I have one of these because I am cheap and it sounds great. I run it through the aux in of my Roland Cube 30. I can carry my my guitar, amp and small pedal board and still have a hand free to open the door. :) $299 on Amazon...
  9. Larry Tooley

    What are you currently listening to?

    Found this through a Michael Palmisano reaction video. Most metal bluegrass I have ever heard. Amazing.
  10. Larry Tooley

    Hi Everyone!

    Hey @Gabby! Welcome aboard. Have fun ask lots of questions, don't be shy.
  11. Larry Tooley

    Guitar names?

    First two guitars, a squire strat and a strat copy, were named Tad and Eagle. The copy had an eagle graphic on the body. Those have been retired. Now I just have a number one and number two in different tunings. Don'y plan on naming any other guitars.
  12. Larry Tooley

    Top mount vs recessed Floyd Rose.

    Depends. You can still "float" a top mount or you can crank the springs down and have it rest on the body. If you want to be able to pull up you should float it. Setup and tuning will be the same as a recessed bridge. Otherwise, setup is almost as easy as a fixed bridge. EVH always let his...
  13. Larry Tooley

    Boss Metal Zone Distortion pedal

    I tried one of these in a music store in the 90's and could not get it to sound good. Probably because there were too many knobs. Irony is one of my favorite distortion pedals now has 6 knobs, the Mooer 005 Micro preamp.
  14. Larry Tooley

    What are you currently listening to?

    Songs I need to learn this week like this one by the Eagles. The dueling solo is going to be fun.