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Recent content by Laur Trandafir

  1. Laur Trandafir

    What are you currently listening to?

    Em is a GOAT but someone needs to get him a pop filter... he has so much popping lmao
  2. Laur Trandafir

    Drum Samples on City of Evil?

    LOL when did that happen?
  3. Laur Trandafir

    Drum Samples on City of Evil?

    I could try that, but I think it's pretty difficult to find a portion of just the isolated snare. I'll look around though
  4. Laur Trandafir

    Drum Samples on City of Evil?

    Well they're blended, both samples and human performance. It's most obvious in Beast and the Harlot at the breakdown, the kick and snare are almost perfectly consistent. Either that or he's just an absolute drum machine
  5. Laur Trandafir

    Drum Samples on City of Evil?

    Does anyone have or know where I can find some drum samples like the ones on City of Evil? Or at least the snare? I really love that sound and would like to implement it in some of my original songs!
  6. Laur Trandafir

    Axe FX3 or FM3?

    I have a question. I think I've read about it, but just to be sure, can your record the FM3 directly through an USB? Or can you only use the XLR out?
  7. Laur Trandafir

    Axe FX3 or FM3?

    Thank you to everyone who answered! I'll start saving money to get the FM3!
  8. Laur Trandafir

    Axe FX3 or FM3?

    Just found this, compares a bunch of features: https://wiki.fractalaudio.com/wiki/index.php?title=Comparing_the_FM3_to_the_Axe-Fx_III
  9. Laur Trandafir

    Axe FX3 or FM3?

    I also assume it does the same, but the huge difference in price raises a flag. Does just the fact that it has less outputs and it's smaller make it that much less costly?
  10. Laur Trandafir

    Axe FX3 or FM3?

    Hey guys! I recently saw that Fractal released a new unit, the FM3. They say it uses the same technology as the Axe FX3. If anyone has bought it yet, is it as good? I was thinking of saving money to buy the Axe FX but when I saw that this unit is almost half the price, it got me thinking I...
  11. Laur Trandafir

    Buzz from neck pickup

    Hey guys, I have a Schecter Syn Custom-S and when I switch to the neck pickup or the middle, I get some buzzing which is noticeable. It doesn't happen on the bridge pickup. Any way I can solve this at home? Or should I take it to a luthier? Thank you all!
  12. Laur Trandafir

    🚨 Contest Announcement!!! 🚨

    By the way, does anyone have a clue of the price...? l
  13. Laur Trandafir

    🚨 Contest Announcement!!! 🚨

    *cries in not a legendary member*