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Recent content by Nero Shredder

  1. Nero Shredder

    Bridge Pickup Replacement

    Yes, that’s exactly what was wrong. All I needed to do was to solder together Invader’s red & white wires to the same place where the stock red one was (instead of taping them off like the fucking diagram suggested). Thanks for pointing that out, Kevin! And also, thanks to you too, Ed. You guys...
  2. Nero Shredder

    Bridge Pickup Replacement

    I’ll fiddle with the amp settings, thanks for the tip. Regarding the wiring, here’s what I did: stock Ibanez pickup (INF-4) had three wires. Black was connected to the back of the volume pod, red and white wires were connected to the 5-way pickup switch. So when replacing it with an Invader, I...
  3. Nero Shredder

    Bridge Pickup Replacement

    So I’ve received my Invader today. As expected, being a noob in pickup replacement, I probably fucked up the wiring, since my tone still sounds like ass, but a less muddy one and with more sustain 😀 I’ll try to figure out what I did wrong.
  4. Nero Shredder

    Bridge Pickup Replacement

    Yeah, Im going to try. I have a wiring diagram from Ibanez site and I’ve also checked the info regarding Seymour Duncan wiring. I wanna learn to do this myself properly. Are there any particular things I should keep in mind ?
  5. Nero Shredder

    Bridge Pickup Replacement

    Thanks for the quick replies guys. You’ve clarified a lot. I went with a Syn’s signature trembucker, since it was cheaper. Can’t wait until it arrives!
  6. Nero Shredder

    Bridge Pickup Replacement

    Hello guys. I’d like to ask for your tips regarding the bridge pickup replacement. I own an old Ibanez RG350EX with Edge III tremolo and HSH pickup layout. It’s body is made of basswood. I know that I’m probably better off just investing in a better guitar but that’s not an option for me at the...
  7. Nero Shredder

    Does Drop D twist your neck

    I don’t think 9-46 or even 10-46 would be enough to twist your guitar’s neck in drop D tuning. Just make sure you’ve adjusted the tension of the springs in the back and the height of the bridge. Also, if you messed around with your guitar’s neck, don’t mess with anything else and leave your...