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Recent content by Niall Gannon

  1. N

    "Nobody" from the new album "Life is but a Dream"

    Yeah I'm with you on that, apart from the solo it sounded a bit boring and repetitive. I taught it was just building to something special (like the stage) but it just never came :( I do love the weird timing on the kicks behind the solo but man Zacky must be falling asleep playing rhythm on that...
  2. N

    Comment by 'Niall Gannon' in media 'Creating God solo'

    That is amazing!!! Hats off mate, you are at the end game.
  3. Some Queen Solo's

    Some Queen Solo's

    Sometimes good to take a break from the frustration of attempting Syn solos and just have some fun.
  4. Sweep Picking 2

    Sweep Picking 2

  5. N

    Down pick like god (Hetfield of course)

    Many thanks for the replies, as usual in this life if you want something you have to work bloody hard!!! I will work with the metronome and do the endurance method and try slowly build up the speed. Maybe in about a decade I will eventually get it, then I can tackle that pesky M.I.A solo 🙂 @jak...
  6. N

    Down pick like god (Hetfield of course)

    I have always struggled with fast down picking and I am look for some help or useful techniques. When I play songs like Master or Creeping Death I just can’t keep up with down picking so I always revert to alt picking (sounds like a pile of crap when you do that), down picking just sounds more...
  7. Niall Gannon's riff from July 23, 2019 at 8:39 am

    Niall Gannon's riff from July 23, 2019 at 8:39 am

    Should my pinky be going so far from the fretboard??