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Recent content by Robert Freeborn

  1. Robert Freeborn

    fixing wrist tension while playing

    It’s very important to stretch properly to avoid injury, just as with any other physical exercise. One thing I was taught when I did formal training was to warm up for about 5 minutes, then stretch for about 10 minutes. I like to stretch my wrist every which way, and also stretch each finger...
  2. Robert Freeborn

    Some Friendly Advice Needed

    Hey Jak! I’m not surprised you’re dealing with this, the internet can be a dark place! Your feelings are totally reasonable. In fact, the thought of trolls is what’s kept me from uploading more unpolished riffs. However, at the end of the day, we’ve got to remember that this is a school, not...
  3. Robert Freeborn

    Tips for preventing background noise during sweeping and/or tapping?

    I would have never thought about my action! That’s interesting, thanks! I also don’t tend to focus on my muting while practicing, thanks for the tip!
  4. Robert Freeborn

    how long you've been playing guitar?

    I’ve been playing for 12 years, but college and grad school slowed me down.
  5. Robert Freeborn's riff from April 28, 2018 at 1:04 pm

    Robert Freeborn's riff from April 28, 2018 at 1:04 pm

    My attempt at the "Hail to the King" solo. A bit sloppy at parts, I don't put as much time in as I'd like!
  6. Robert Freeborn

    Tips for preventing background noise during sweeping and/or tapping?

    Sounds like a good project for tomorrow, I’ll let you know when it’s up!
  7. Robert Freeborn

    Tips for preventing background noise during sweeping and/or tapping?

    Thanks for that Jak! I think seeing him do it would help a lot. I wouldn’t have even thought to look on instagram, great idea! The Hail to the King solo is so fun to play! I learned it a while back, it’s definitely a good one for economy picking and 3-string sweeps.
  8. Robert Freeborn

    Tips for preventing background noise during sweeping and/or tapping?

    Nope, I tap the intro too (although sweeping it would probably be easier lol!). But I have issues with the sweeping after the solos right before the last chorus. I’ll have to work on my first-hand muting!
  9. Robert Freeborn

    Tips for preventing background noise during sweeping and/or tapping?

    When I first discovered how he was playing the stuff on the high e string I about died. Are you able to mute strings while sweeping without making a nasty scrape sound?
  10. Robert Freeborn

    Tips for preventing background noise during sweeping and/or tapping?

    Hey all! My new year’s resolution is to learn “The Stage” and play it cleanly, which is going alright so far. However, I’ve got a rather annoying issue that I’m not quite sure how to fix. I’m having difficulty in a couple spots, mainly the tapping in the beginning when switching from the G...
  11. Robert Freeborn

    Signature Guitars

    I’ve got a PRS Santana MD. I’m not a big fan of Santana’s playing, but PRS guitars have amazing tone, and this guitar has a killer tone-modeling system. I was an apprentice in a music store when the guitar came out, and the store owner had me try it. It was love at first riff. I love it for...
  12. Robert Freeborn

    Guitar Advice Needed on Technique

    When I did a college guitar program, all of the instructors insisted we should be able to bend with every finger (even the first which is not something I commonly do in playing). It takes a lot of practice to be able to bend equally well with all fingers (not to mention building up those...
  13. Robert Freeborn

    PRS or Schecter

    I’ve got one of each, but use them for different purposes. My PRS has a wider neck and a fat tone, so I like using it more for classic rock and blues playing. My Schecter is without a doubt more useful for metal playing. However, this all comes down to which PRS or which Schecter you buy. I...