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Recent content by Soukayna

  1. Soukayna

    Pressing too hard

    Thank you for the tips, I guess I'm gonna have to force it and try to use my pinky whenever I remember.
  2. Soukayna

    Pressing too hard

    Thank you, those steps seem reasonable I'll try them as soon as I get my hands on my guitar, unfortunately for me I can play the pentatonic scale pretty decently but I still struggle when playing songs and I have to move up and down the fret, mostly the ring finger and the index do all the work...
  3. Soukayna

    Pressing too hard

    thank you so much that was so helpful
  4. Soukayna

    Pressing too hard

    Hello guys I've been playing a lot lately and I can see a lot of progress but.. yes there is a 🍑 coming lol, I noticed that my fretting hand it too aggressive towards the fret board, I've developed this habit where unconsciously I press on the strings way too hard causing them to buzz and...
  5. Soukayna

    Newbie here!

    Welcome to the family!
  6. Soukayna

    Fretting hand

    Thank you @Nocturne I will try my best to lower my wrist, thank you so much for the clarifications and also the pictures which btw I notice that you actually have nails 👀 lol, well maybe afterall I don't need to clip them really short which is uncomfortable for me. :)
  7. Soukayna

    Fretting hand

    hi there! Its like you read my mind I've been advised to keep my fretting hand low at this beginner stage, but I can't help but find that my thumb is behind the neck of the guitar sometimes even peeking, I tried to lower my wrist but it's kind of tense and uncomfortable, so 🤷‍♀️
  8. Soukayna

    Fretting hand

    Alright! Sounds logical because as you said making my brain focus on one or two fingers at a time will make me know exactly where to put that finger for the note to sound right, and then move to another finger, as for weakest finger I can play all the other chords just fine until I have to...
  9. Soukayna

    Fretting hand

    Update! Guys I sacrificed my fretting hand's fingernails today, I clipped them as short as I could, it actually helped with the buzzing and the muted notes, even though it still feels weird but I think as @Calvin Phillips said if they are in the way away they go 😅 Thank you all for the tips
  10. Soukayna

    About Overview of The Major Chord – Lesson 8

    I have no answer for you man sorry, I'm new to music theory I'm still struggling with it o_O, sir @Conor Mason please! a little help over here😅
  11. Soukayna

    Hello! I come to learn and share !

    Welcome to the family Tristan, I'm new here myself but one week in and I already feel included, have any questions just ask away even the stupidest one, when it comes to language barrier I'm a native french speaker, I actually speak 5 languages so I might be helpful in translating, but not in...
  12. Soukayna


    There you go, btw nvm my dad's yawning 😂
  13. Soukayna


    Ok guys, guys @Dominik Graeber @Jesse Salmons @Ids Schiere Strumming update This quarantine got me all into guitar I've been playing non stop, and it seems like my strumming is getting better, I was playing a little piece this morning at first I was strumming only when I had to, not doing the...
  14. Soukayna

    Fretting hand

    Well I think it's caused by my playing since when I readjust my fretting fingers it sounds just like its supposed to sound. Thank you Lindsey, I'll look up those finger independence exercises I definitely need them.