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Recent content by Zachary Virga

  1. Zachary Virga

    Happy Birthday to the big man - Papa Gates!

    Happy Birthday to the real leader of Avenged Sevenfold hehe
  2. Zachary Virga

    Super saddened

    Hey it's great to see that somebody remembered me and my incident hehe. I was definitely surprised to see this comment about me here :) Yeah i'm pretty sure Syn would make it right with him if he found out like he did to me. He loves his fans and you can tell. That's why Syn and his team are so...
  3. Zachary Virga

    Sustaniac Issues - Synyster Gates Custom-S Gold Burst

    I've been having the same issue with my Syn Custom-S for years now. Could never fix it or find any sort of solution to this problem.
  4. Zachary Virga

    Should I leave my guitar in same tuning?

    You can definitely leave it in Drop D. I do so all the time and have been doing so for over 10 years. It won't cause any issues. I often switch tunings all the time and leave them in those tunings and have never had any issues with my multiple 6 strings acoustics, and my 12 string acoustic. Tune...
  5. Zachary Virga

    Thank you Syn for signing my guitar, writing me a letter, and sending me your picks!

    Thanks everyone! I appreciate it. It's truly amazing to me and I still can't believe it! So it's a bit of an interesting story, but I had bought this guitar back in September of 2020. When I received the guitar 2 weeks later, I had an issue with the guitar. I contacted the Synyster Gates Store...
  6. Zachary Virga

    Thank you Syn for signing my guitar, writing me a letter, and sending me your picks!

    I just wanted to thank Synyster Gates for signing my guitar with a personalized autograph, gifting me some of his personal guitar picks that were used live onstage, and writing me a personalized letter! I've been a huge fan of Syn since I was 8 years old and this is definitely a wonderful...
  7. Zachary Virga

    How important is tone when sweep picking?

    Thank you guys for the replies. I never thought about switching to other pickups on my guitar, so i’m going to try that. I imagine the invaders will sound cleaner and more defined. I feel like I need to control my tone just like like you said. Tighten it up a little bit. Maybe a little less gain...
  8. Zachary Virga

    How important is tone when sweep picking?

    Been trying to learn sweeping for around 5 years now, but I haven’t had any success. I’m using an amp sim Mesa Boogie on Amplitube 4, and as well as my 6505 irl with a TS9 Tube Screamer, ISP Decimator, and Boss compressor. and I have a decent tone with it, however i’m not sure if my tone exactly...