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Happy New Year, Synners! Highlights+Resolutions?

Matt Wildcat

The Fierce Deity
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Hey Synners! As the hours are ticking away closer to midnight here, I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a very happy New Year! 2021 has really been a wild ride for us all, huh?

    To end this year on a high note, I wanted to ask all of you… What’s been your favourite moment (or moments!) from this year? Have you discovered something new, or maybe made progress on something you’re already working on? Share them all, I'd love to hear what you're all proud of!

    And of course, here comes the age-old question… What do you want to work on for 2022? These could be anything at all! Maybe you want to make small everyday changes, or maybe you want to learn something you’ve always wanted to try. Whatever it may be, just know that I believe in you - You got this! And if things don’t go as planned, please don’t be too hard on yourself. Remember that we all progress at different speeds and we all have our own circumstances going on.
    Just do your best, that’s all anyone can ask of you ❤️

    For me, my favourite moments have been rediscovering my passion for creating art and improving my photography, as well as creating so many new friendships and connections in different communities (Craniums, Deathbats, I see you). For next year, I have two guitar related tasks I want to set myself: learning the majority of Lost by A7X, and as much as I can of the final Bowser Fight from Super Mario 64. I’ve picked them as they’re certainly a challenge and require me to practice a few different skills, and they're some of my fav tracks. I’ve only set two as to not overwhelm myself - If I can do more, great! I also have some art-related goals, including getting more comfortable using After Effects and Photoshop! I'll be sure to share my progress with you all!

    Wishing you all the very best! Cheers! 🤘💀🤘🍻


    New Student
    Dec 16, 2021
    Hey Synners! As the hours are ticking away closer to midnight here, I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a very happy New Year! 2021 has really been a wild ride for us all, huh?

    To end this year on a high note, I wanted to ask all of you… What’s been your favourite moment (or moments!) from this year? Have you discovered something new, or maybe made progress on something you’re already working on? Share them all, I'd love to hear what you're all proud of!

    And of course, here comes the age-old question… What do you want to work on for 2022? These could be anything at all! Maybe you want to make small everyday changes, or maybe you want to learn something you’ve always wanted to try. Whatever it may be, just know that I believe in you - You got this! And if things don’t go as planned, please don’t be too hard on yourself. Remember that we all progress at different speeds and we all have our own circumstances going on.
    Just do your best, that’s all anyone can ask of you ❤️

    For me, my favourite moments have been rediscovering my passion for creating art and improving my photography, as well as creating so many new friendships and connections in different communities (Craniums, Deathbats, I see you). For next year, I have two guitar related tasks I want to set myself: learning the majority of Lost by A7X, and as much as I can of the final Bowser Fight from Super Mario 64. I’ve picked them as they’re certainly a challenge and require me to practice a few different skills, and they're some of my fav tracks. I’ve only set two as to not overwhelm myself - If I can do more, great! I also have some art-related goals, including getting more comfortable using After Effects and Photoshop! I'll be sure to share my progress with you all!

    Wishing you all the very best! Cheers! 🤘💀🤘🍻
    Well like I valided my semester this year, I don't have university until September so I would like to really start to learn guitar (yes due to exams I couldn't really start 😅) and share you some piano pieces ^_^
    And the most biggest thing I did in Synner School is I registered at Synner School during this month XD

    Happy new year to you all 🥳🎉
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    Matt Wildcat

    The Fierce Deity
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Well like I valided my semester this year, I don't have university until September so I would like to really start to learn guitar (yes because due to exams I couldn't really start 😅) and share you some piano pieces ^_^
    And the most biggest thing I did in Synner School is I registered at Synner School diring this month XD

    Happy new year to you all 🥳🎉
    Wonderful!! I'd LOVE to see your guitar progress and hear some of your piano work, it's so awesome to have ya here with us!! :love: 🎊
    • Love
    Reactions: Saphyra
    Synner Endless Summer Collection


    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Jan 11, 2021
    Happy New Year Everyone 🥳
    And for those still waiting for 2022 to come: Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 🎉
    (German saying wishing you a good start into the new year. Eventhough the literal meaning is something like: Have a good slip into the new year)

    One of the things I really enjoyed this year was signing up here, getting to know this comunity and picking up a guitar for the first time 😊
    Sadly due to an important exam in summer I lost my rythm in frequently picking up my guitar and visiting this site. Thus my New years Resolution is to hopefully incorporate guitar into my everyday life, even if its just a short session during stressful times.

    Alicia Willis

  • Nov 11, 2019
    Lexington, South Carolina
    Happy New Year y’all !

    Whew, this year has honestly been pretty crazy with A LOT of ups and downs

    Without a doubt my favorite moment(s) has been watching my son, Ryan, really come into his own individuality. He started middle school this year (some call it Junior high) and has truly flourished. He’s finding his own personal style, driving me crazy wanting to get rid of his “little kid stuff”, becoming so outgoing, charismatic, and forming his own thoughts and opinions about real world events. The kid knows more about what’s happening in the world than I do half the time lol. Im so incredibly proud of the young man he is becoming. ❤️

    Can’t wait to see what 2022 has in store for all of us !

    Ed Seith

    Supreme Galactic Overlord
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    2021 was a pretty transformative year for me in a lot of ways, and it paves the way for hopeful improvements in 2022.

    Certain debilitating issues with my body, fatigue, and muscle and skin degeneration were coming to a head and with nary a doctor having any ideas, I'd all but given up. As my new job was gearing up and I was doing a LOT of reading, a problem with my left eye was getting worse and making it impossible for me to read for any amount of time without getting vertigo and a nasty migraine. What I'd thought was astigmatism for the last 30+ years was actually a torsion on my left eye, causing everything that eye sees to be rotated 10 full degrees clockwise. A lot of the time, my brain would just resolve it, but it was getting harder and harder. A binocular specialist (a specialist in problems between both eyes) found that a severe head impact resulting in brain injury was the likely cause of the eye problem, and a radical new eyeglasses-based therapy was implemented to try and fix them, along with a SET Massage therapist, who pulled on all kinds of parts of my skull to put bones back where they SHOULD be, relieving pressure on the back left quadrant of my brain.

    I won't get into the details, but as I started using the glasses to fix my brain, the skin problems started going away. It became significantly easier to lose weight (at least until the holidays came along), and muscle aches and pains started easing up. I no longer needed a nap every afternoon, and stopped feeling exhausted all the time. Going to the gym, riding my bike and playing guitar started resulting in improvement/gains again after years of steadily losing progress. It was amazing, and still is.

    Unfortunately, that therapy seems to have fixed almost every problem I had EXCEPT the one it was supposed to. Still need to see what will fix the eye itself. That MAY come down to surgery. 2022 will tell, I hope.

    In the meantime, that means I can devote my energies in 2022 to improving my health, weight, guitar playing again, and cycling. I'm energized and excited for that.

    I also got myself into therapy this year, for some personal and relationship issues, and will continue to work on that.

    Aside from all that, one of the big high points for me this year was the leadership team of this site coming together and BECOMING a team. Radu, Alicia, Matt, Jamie and I are practically a network executive's idea of what a "diverse group of friends" might look like, and everyone else would say "yeah right, not in the real world" about, but they are wonderful people, each and every one of them. We have grown very close over the last 6-8 months, and I love them dearly.

    Seeing the growth, stability and progress of the site over this year, culminating with the launch of the app and SynTV in December, is an absolute highlight, and something we're all so proud of. I am proud of my part in it.

    Happy New Year, everyone. I hope 2022 continues to be a step in the right direction and that our new Decepticon friend Omicron doesn't devastate us significantly - either individually or as a people. I hope each of you finds peace and fulfillment in your life's work, and that Syn and the guys stop taking vacations around the world and actually hunker down and get a fuckin album done and out (sorry, bud, I had to!), especially since I now have a fresh pair of Deathbat concert tickets burning a hole in my digital wallet - that was pretty fuckin awesome too!

    Peace and love, earthlings.

    -Captain Ed


    Hot Topic Tourer
  • Jun 5, 2020
    Happy new year everyone! ❤️

    2021 was kind of shit to me in the last month and a bit, but I am so incredibly grateful for the amazing friends I've made over the past year, both in real life and online.

    In 2022 I really wanna dive further into the new hobbies I've picked up (so expect more Blender streams) and get back into the habit of regularly practicing guitar and just generally taking care of myself.

    I wish you all an amazing and happy 2022 😍🎉
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Alicia Willis

  • Nov 11, 2019
    Lexington, South Carolina
    @Ed Seith 🥲 that was beautiful. I don’t know what we would do without you Cap, you’re truly an invaluable member of this community, from your extensive knowledge, to your sage fatherly advice. We love you !!!

    I do sincerely hope your eye condition improves in the upcoming year, I know exactly how it feels when you feel like a part of your body is failing you and even though you’re doing everything you can you’re not seeing any change. Hang in there 😊
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    Hot Topic Tourer
    Contest Winner!
  • Jul 16, 2020
    Well, 2021 was a hard year for sure. Had a lot of downs with my mental health but I also learned a lot about myself, which I'm grateful for. I'm also grateful for this community and the DBC (just generally all of the A7X community), I met wonderful people through both ❤
    In 2022 I want to be more consistent in my guitar practice; take more care of myself, maybe start working out, and just be better, if that makes any sense.

    I wish you guys all the best and that you will achieve all your dreams. Happy New Year 🥂


    New Student
    Dec 16, 2021
    Well, 2021 was a hard year for sure. Had a lot of downs with my mental health but I also learned a lot about myself, which I'm grateful for. I'm also grateful for this community and the DBC (just generally all of the A7X community), I met wonderful people through both ❤
    In 2022 I want to be more consistent in my guitar practice; take more care of myself, maybe start working out, and just be better, if that makes any sense.

    I wish you guys all the best and that you will achieve all your dreams. Happy New Year 🥂
    I am lucky, for at least 6 months I will not have university because I did already this semester so I can take my time to do all my passions, there still only 2 exams lefts in January and then I can start guitar and give some some experiences on piano 😊
    Synner Endless Summer Collection


    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Feb 22, 2021
    2021 was a rollercoaster for me. I made new friends, reconnected with old ones, broke up with some, had my moments, got off the rails, followed new paths, made poor life choices 🤡, learned my lessons, got a huge increase on myopia 🥴, reconnected with my musical journey, got the chance to talk with my idols, slowly took back my routine since the pandemic started, and many other things. This was an incredible year for me, specially on the social part. As a person who has so much difficulties in dealing with people and relationships, I felt like I could make progress and surround myself with people I can trust and enjoy being on my side 🥰

    As of my highlights, I think these moments got me really excited/proud of myself:

    • Getting a job promotion 🤓

    • Collabing with Anna, Ari and Bia for Syn's Birthday 🥳

    • Me and Bia's entry as the new KISSfits for the A7X Halloween Contest 👻

    We didn't win the context btw, but we surprisingly got some nice words from Brooks, Johnny and Zacky about it and that made us incredibly happy! 🤩

    • Doing a special DWJ fan episode for Johnny's Birthday with The Filthy Animals, his discord gang 🍻

    • Snagging a Deathbat in the Deathbot Hunt 💀

    • Collabing again with Anna, Ari and Bia for Zacky's Birthday 🤘

    • Finally finishing college, presenting my scientific paper and getting it approved 🎓

    • Watching Metallica's 40 Years special show (FIXXXER LIVE BABYYY) 😎

    • Going back to the movies after 2 years 🍿

    And now my resolutions:

    • For the musical path, I want to build a consistent practice schedule for both drumming and singing, because the fact that I reconnected with music last year didn't mean I kept myself on track 🤡 college was a huge factor but I also need more discipline from now on and I hope I can maintain at least a simple practice routine. I want to improve my drumming skills in technique, speed, attitude, coordination and independence, I want to take at least small steps on each category 🤞

    • For the creative path I want to improve my video and music editing skills, and also get back to casually cosplaying in events 🦸‍♀️ because I love this environment and love crafting my costumes, but this events were all cancelled due to the pandemic.

    • I also want to improve my english talking so I can chat better with my international friends 😁

    🕊️ Happy New Year Synner Fam! 🥂