I tried working some things out. It is still absolutely mind boggling for me. Should I even worry about keeping time with singing to the other instruments or leave it be and worry about it later. I just don’t how I would do it on the spot in a simple jam session with other instrumentalists.
I think keeping time is better at first cause if you mess up time but your band is still going good they could get off balance or the other way around.
Maybe write some words down like poems and when your at practice, sing/practice it over and over and in different ways to see what could work.
If you're singing and playing guitar, at first just sing a word or two with downstrokes keeping it simple.
For example start the lyrics " And the..." dun dun dun dun (guitar) the 2 words could go on the first quarter note and eventually it should get easier.
Practice alone too so you get less stuck in a jam
I started practice saying 1 e and a 2 e, all the variations on time to a metronome maybe that helps some