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  1. TheTroller

    Happy Birthday Johnny Christ!

    He pissed on the guy that gave us all of these free lessons
  2. TheTroller

    Happy Birthday Johnny Christ!

    🤢 That video was disgusting lmao
  3. TheTroller

    What are you currently listening to?

    As much as I love MAB's playing, that over/under finger technique drives me crazy.
  4. TheTroller

    Hail to the King solo!

    The 'details': This next section uses a raised x 987th
  5. TheTroller

    I honestly love economy picking. It's extremely underrated.

    I honestly love economy picking. It's extremely underrated.
  6. TheTroller


  7. TheTroller

    My biggest mistakes while learning guitar (learn from my mistakes)

    > and you're losing the subtlety that hammer-ons can bring if you don't use them. I'm actually quite fine with that lol. Just as I'm fine with not tapping, unless I really have to. > You can still write songs without theory knowledge, that Kurt Cobain fella did alright for himself I've...
  8. TheTroller

    My biggest mistakes while learning guitar (learn from my mistakes)

    I've had rather awkward encounters when deliberating between the usage of my pinky or ring finger, especially when I tried to learn Eugene's Trickbag (Steve Vai's rendition of Paganini's Fifth Caprice) where there was this awkward section where you have to play 17, 15, and then 13 on the high...
  9. TheTroller

    Hail to the King solo!

    That's the guy in my profile pic, Shreddicus Maximus
  10. TheTroller

    Food For Thought : Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

    Ignorance is bliss lol
  11. TheTroller

    Food For Thought : Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

    Then there's the opposite, where you have the dunning kruger effect and you spend an hour in your bedroom noodling around with fast arpeggios and then watch a video of Michael Angelo Batio and you realize you suck. :/
  12. TheTroller

    Comment by 'TheTroller' in media 'Another imperfect try at Afterlife'

    Except, he's the king of Guitar Center.
  13. TheTroller

    Comment by 'TheTroller' in media 'Another imperfect try at Afterlife'

    I'm not quite as bad as Shreddicus Maximus, but I still committed some of the errors that he outlined in the video.
  14. TheTroller

    Comment by 'TheTroller' in media 'Another imperfect try at Afterlife'

    I actually consulted someone about my sweep picking, and apparently, the issue is that I move my wrist too much when going back down/ascending towards the high note, which prevents me from palm muting properly. I'll definitely work on it.
  15. TheTroller

    Comment by 'TheTroller' in media 'Another imperfect try at Afterlife'

    I'm aware. When I think of synchronization, I'm thinking of the amount of picks matching the amount of notes being fretted. I definitely noticed that the first section of arpeggios (before the first sweep) was out of sync (as I watched it at 0.25 speed), but to be honest, I also watched the...
  16. TheTroller

    Comment by 'TheTroller' in media 'Another imperfect try at Afterlife'

    Brutal. I'm Shreddicus Maximus 2.0. Can you outline where I'm not in sync? Is it the during the arpeggios before the sweep? I can easily fix that. The economy picking section at the end is meant to be slightly out of sync, obviously. > No, your playing was absolutely not perfect but you dared...