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Search results

  1. Lea Marcel

    What are you currently listening to?

    Totally forgot this song existed, I used to be obsessed with it years ago ❤️
  2. Lea Marcel

    Comment by 'Lea Marcel' in media 'Nightmare - Avenged Sevenfold'

    Wow well done! Sounds great! I'm working on it too it so hoping to be at that level soon :)
  3. Lea Marcel

    Comment by 'Lea Marcel' in media 'SGS Contest - Lesson 17'

    Ahh thank you very much! To be honest I had no idea of what I was doing when I bought the guitar, it's only after that I realised it was clearly not the easiest to start with haha. Will definitely try and be more active on here! And yes, very French! :)
  4. Lea Marcel

    Comment by 'Lea Marcel' in media 'SGS Contest - Lesson 17'

    Aww yes you're right! Totally forgot about it...
  5. SGS Contest - Lesson 17

    SGS Contest - Lesson 17

    Hi everyone! This is my entry for the SGS Contest- I've worked on Lesson 17 from the beginner course. I've tried to include the tik tok pattern while trying to stay in good rhythm. Any advice very welcome! Hope you enjoy! And excuse my grumpy face while playing - can't be focus without it 😁
  6. Lea Marcel

    DISCO VOLANTE by Mr. Bungle

    I've listened to the main tunes but never gave this album a try. Got to quarantine for 2 weeks so plenty of time! Though I had no idea the singer was also Faith no More's, makes it even more interesting
  7. Lea Marcel

    Quite close haha

    Quite close haha
  8. Lea Marcel

    Happy Birthday @Syn Gates (and Ringo too :) )

    Happy Birthday @Syn Gates (and Ringo too :) )
  9. Lea Marcel

    City of Evil celebrates its 15th Birthday today

    I was only 10 when this came out and I was more of a High School Music fan back then haha! It is now by far my favourite A7x album. To me it has the best intros (Burn it Down, Trashed and Scattered, Betrayed...) Also M.I.A is my absolute favourite A7x song.
  10. Lea Marcel

    Hi :)

    Welcome! (:
  11. Lea Marcel

    Robin Nolan saying hi!

    Welcome! :)
  12. Lea Marcel

    @Dominik Graeber I'm always pushing back but yeah I'll try and post something someday :)

    @Dominik Graeber I'm always pushing back but yeah I'll try and post something someday :)
  13. Lea Marcel

    My first acoustic arrived this morning! I guess that's where the real pain starts..? :)

    My first acoustic arrived this morning! I guess that's where the real pain starts..? :)
  14. Lea Marcel

    Stefan Šestović introduction :)

    Welcome :)
  15. Lea Marcel

    Favourite A7X song at the moment for y'all?

    Burn it Down, especially the solo at the beginning; same thing with Betrayed. I just feel badass listening to these songs with headphones :)
  16. Lea Marcel

    Video For beginners

    Thank you! Very helpful.
  17. Lea Marcel

    Everybody recommended me Smoke in the Water, easy to play and you really feel badass playing it:)

    Everybody recommended me Smoke in the Water, easy to play and you really feel badass playing it:)
  18. Lea Marcel

    Technical issues...

    I feel you here! Yes, I definitely have some homeworks to do. I know how I'm spending my evening :)
  19. Lea Marcel

    Technical issues...

    Wow, Ed, thank you so much! I've learnt a new guitar term so definitely a productive day haha. That sounds tricky indeed, I will have a look at your videos first, I don't want to break it even more :)
  20. Lea Marcel

    Technical issues...

    Hi everyone! So I hope you'll understand my non existent guitar vocabulary in here 😁 I'll try my best. So I just got my electric guitar, and it got a rose floyd. The guitar I initially wanted didn't have one, but got out of stock so they offered me this one instead. I've read (too late) that it...