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Economy picking basically combines alternate picking with sweep picking. It has the alternate picking on the strings while still sweeping up and down the neck on the frets.
Right now I am transcribing "So Far Away" by Avenged Sevenfold. What I got (In order) was: Em, G, D, C. pretty much that the entire song until we get to the slower part (in the video, it's where we see Jimmy's video of him and the rest of the band)
learning chord progressions can be very easy once you start getting used to it. When you start off, it is a little tricky, but in a little bit if you keep working at it, it will get easier and easier
I cant upload a video, but I can explain. The best thing to do when switching is to plan that ahead of time instead of right when it needs to be done. Keep your eyes on the guitar and plan it that way
In this lesson we learned about the tick tock motion of strumming the guitar by moving your hand up and down with the pick. This makes for faster strumming and better playing.
in order to read tabs, when reading them going down, the order goes E B G D A E. when reading upwards, it is E A D G B E. the numbers on the horizontal lines tell you what fret to put your finger on. (1= first, 2=2nd, etc)
in this lesson we learned the standard A440 tuning which is E A D G B E. ways you can tune are: on the E A D and B strings hit the fifth fret and the next string. on the G string, hit the fourth fret.