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Search results

  1. M

    Costa Mesa Recording Studios, New Syn Amp & Pedal, Album timeline

    I understand, dude really awesome
  2. M

    Costa Mesa Recording Studios, New Syn Amp & Pedal, Album timeline

    Hey, did you played in a paradigm guitar? If you did it you have some photo about she?
  3. M

    What would your custom Shop guitar look like?

    well, i really wanna "build" the schecter "paradigm" guitar, from the stage studio sessions, so recently i buy the synyster left handed black and white, and i trying some good artist to make she (sorry about my english =( )
  4. M

    Syn The Stage Paradigm Studio Guitar

    for sure, but i wanna make some version with FR
  5. M

    Syn The Stage Paradigm Studio Guitar

    Recently i saw some the stage studio sessions, and i see a beautiful black guitar in there, and i wanna make some replica of them. Somebody have some info about them?