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Search results

  1. Miodrag Rodic

    Synyster Gates guitar stripes

    Does anyone know the meaning behind Synyster Gates guitar stripes?
  2. Miodrag Rodic

    Peavy 6505 mini 20w head

    I'd rather buy peavy 6505+ Combo. For each channel it has an EQ. It has 60w I think. It super powerful and great sounding. It's a bit heavy but it's worth it.
  3. Miodrag Rodic

    Share with me your pick of destiny!

    I think yes. For a long time he used this one :D its perfect
  4. Miodrag Rodic

    Share with me your pick of destiny!

    Best there is!!
  5. Miodrag Rodic

    restring guitar

    Well after putting my new strings I always grab them and pull them to stretch them. I do that to all of the strings starting from top to bottom. And after like 2 times all string I t would be fine.
  6. Miodrag Rodic

    Battery for sustaniac?

    Makes sense. Will try that. Thanks man.
  7. Miodrag Rodic

    Battery for sustaniac?

    No shit Sherlock. I'm asking about the brand, chargeable or unchargeable.
  8. Miodrag Rodic

    Battery for sustaniac?

    What batteries do you use for sustaniac?
  9. Miodrag Rodic

    Guitar Synyster gates custom S gold coat

    You can i guess you sweat a lot so carbon fiber cloth to get rid of sweat. But in the end it's inevitable. :( it will happen sooner or later. That gold coat is very thin
  10. Miodrag Rodic

    Guitar Synyster gates custom S gold coat

    Oh yeah get used to that haha People sweat. Plus palm mute it's all common to after some time your gold coat just comes off. PRS USA (My friends)
  11. Miodrag Rodic

    Guitar Synyster gates custom S gold coat

    Do you mind posting a picture? I'm not quite sure what you are talking about? Hardware or paint?
  12. Miodrag Rodic

    Bridge and Sustaniac pick-up height .

    Thanks man. Just I'm from Europe haha I have no idea what those measurements are but I will Google. :D
  13. Miodrag Rodic

    Bridge and Sustaniac pick-up height .

    What are your pick-up height?
  14. Miodrag Rodic

    New guitar-quality control

    Yeah my friend say the same. As long as she plays normally. It's fine. I should not be expecting everything to be perfect. Which is fair I guess
  15. Miodrag Rodic

    New guitar-quality control

    The guitar is new rst image. Neck scoop Second image. You can see where the neck is glued to the body. On the side of the fretboard a small piece is missing Third picture. Under the nut there is a line like they didn't glue the binding and there is space between two bindings
  16. Miodrag Rodic

    New guitar-quality control

    I got my new custom S a day ago. And I noticed that the quality control Is super low. There are parts on the binding that are colored and scratched. Does anyone have any problems like that? It's strange that a guitar in that price range has something like that... I'm a bit disappointed
  17. Miodrag Rodic

    New guitar day!

    She really is!
  18. Miodrag Rodic

    New guitar day!

    I agree! Haha
  19. Miodrag Rodic

    New guitar day!

    Thank you so much!
  20. Miodrag Rodic

    New guitar day!

    Hahaha don't!