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Search results

  1. K

    What was your latest or biggest eureka moment?

    Hello Everyone, just another "canbefun" question, What was your latest or biggest eureka moment? In my case these are rather frustrating than exciting, because many times the pieces were already in my head, but for some reason just didn't click... and when they do, I would just hit my head to...
  2. K

    Guitar How do you visualize the fretboard?

    Hello there, I thought it would be a fun thing to ask... so while playing/writing/improvising how do you visualize the fretboard? What do you see, what kind of "map" you have in your head? Do you have the root notes and intervals as your base? Or note names? Or triads/chord shapes? CAGED? Scale...
  3. K

    Delicacy inside

    I will just leave this here. Enjoy : D
  4. K

    How about creating some progress videos for next year? : )

    Hey everybody, would you be interested making some progress videos for next year? Pick any etude or etudes, record yourself playing it in the bpm you are able to, upload it, practice it through the year and the end of 2022 (or anytime you want) upload a new one showing how much better you...
  5. K

    understanding intervals in any key - major and minor triads, sevenths etc...

    Hello there, I really hope it will help some of you who are not familiar with this… it is a little brain exercise to figure out intervals. I had a very hard time following all those youtube lessons and basically every Rick Beato video, about theory, scales, chords and intervals, just because I...
  6. K

    Looking for an electro-acoustic

    Hi all, Is anyone familiar with the Ibanez AEWC400 guitar? I will definitely try it out, but I’m really interested in your opinions… Thanks in advance 🙂 https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/AEWC400TKS–ibanez-aewc400-transparent-black-sunburst-high-gloss
  7. K


    Hi everyone! Can someone help me with this? So each chord in a scale has a name like I – Tonic ii – Supertonic iii – Mediant IV – Subdominant V – Dominant vi – Submediant vii• – Leading-tone Now that I know these names, for what I suppose to use this info? What are their roles? What can I do...
  8. K

    Best music theory books?

    Which books you would recommend?
  9. K

    Favorite licks?

    What are the licks you always play? (or want to play/learn)
  10. K

    Jazz Guitar – Joseph Alexander books

    Hi guys! I want to start study/play jazz a bit and I found lot of books from Joseph Alexander… Does anyone of you know these books? Are these worth it or you have better suggestions? Thanks