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Search results

  1. Chris Robertson

    Holding the Pick question

    So recently I came across the video that @jak Angelescu did where she has improved by changing the way she holds the pick. So I wanted to get some opinion on the way I hold the pick, it doesnt look a lot different to the one mentioned in holding the pick video but because I’m not the greatest I...
  2. Chris Robertson

    Buying second hand guitar

    Hey Guys, So a question I have, I found a guitar second hand that is being sold on gumtree (if you dont know what that is, think similar to ebay etc). The guitar is half the price it is in the shops and I have been eyeing it for a long time and this is well within my price range and I really...
  3. Chris Robertson

    Lesson Backtracks

    First just want to say a huge thank you for these lessons and sorry if this has been asked before, i tried to search but came up with nothing. I studied guitar at college so many years ago and landed up stopping because of nerve damage in my hand/elbow. Anyway finally all fixed up and had the...