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Search results

  1. Zachary Virga

    Thank you Syn for signing my guitar, writing me a letter, and sending me your picks!

    I just wanted to thank Synyster Gates for signing my guitar with a personalized autograph, gifting me some of his personal guitar picks that were used live onstage, and writing me a personalized letter! I've been a huge fan of Syn since I was 8 years old and this is definitely a wonderful...
  2. Zachary Virga

    How important is tone when sweep picking?

    Been trying to learn sweeping for around 5 years now, but I haven’t had any success. I’m using an amp sim Mesa Boogie on Amplitube 4, and as well as my 6505 irl with a TS9 Tube Screamer, ISP Decimator, and Boss compressor. and I have a decent tone with it, however i’m not sure if my tone exactly...