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Search results

  1. Arite Khape

    Synyster Gates Intense solo

    literally better than orgasm😝😝 like far better
  2. Arite Khape

    Synyster Gates Intense solo

    https://syngates.com/forums/user/capman_a7x/ literally better than orgasm😝😝 like far better
  3. Arite Khape

    Synyster Gates Intense solo

    Ids Schiere, thats quite to the point! But just confused on how he gets the whole thing like the rhythm section and all😓 however thanks for reviewing
  4. Arite Khape

    Synyster Gates Intense solo

    I just wanna know how our Syn Gates writes his fucking awesome solos ( literally no words to describe how awesome they are) Hoping Syn himself will read and answer! always wanted to write solos like you syn, maybe not as good as yours but just similar tone and scales! Thank you Arite (Big Fan)
  5. Arite Khape

    Lets Share our Dream geetars

    Mine is Schecter Syn custom.. No other favorite