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  1. João Jófili

    Updates to the Syngates Community

    Absolutely no problem!! Thank you for your time!
  2. João Jófili

    Updates to the Syngates Community

    Hey, everybody! I apologize for what I am about to ask... the last few months have been pretty intense for me, but now I finally have the time to get back to SGS, I noticed the interface has changed to a much more beautiful and intuitive design! But when I checked my messages, I noticed I didn't...
  3. João Jófili

    Guitar Work You'd Like To Hear On The Next A7X Album

    I personally liked every second of The Stage. I’m talking about pretty much every aspect of the guitar work, drums, bass and vocals. It was a pretty refreshing experience, with some incredible chord progressions, that still gives me really good times just appreciating it. If I would say my...
  4. João Jófili's riff from January 9, 2018 at 12:52 pm

    João Jófili's riff from January 9, 2018 at 12:52 pm

    Thanks to the CAGED system, and Papa, I finally could pull of something! It's absolutely horrendous, but I was inspired by people who record themselves to check their progress later down the line. Let's hope this transforms into a shred-tastic ride!
  5. João Jófili

    Favourite Avenged Sevenfold song and why

    Save Me. It has magic, mystery, tension, division, fast pace, resolution. It’s something I wish I could do. It is a powerful song, lots of remarkable moments, transitions, atmosphere, just a great experience… I’d die for this song!
  6. João Jófili

    A message from Syn Gates

    Love Syn, man!
  7. João Jófili

    Does anyone know how to record guitar harmonies like Syn?

    Hey, man! I am a pretty amateur when it comes to theory. Still, I have a lot of experience with mixing, not as good as Syn, of course, but enough to do some covers of my own. Regarding your question, I see that Syn do record two guitars to harmonize, and in Buried Alive, he does record both...