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  1. Aaron Shepanik

    How to make a cover song?

    A "copyright strike" is much different than a "copyright claim" on Youtube. Three strikes and your channel is gone. I've got a variety of covers on my channel from artists with various labels and they all get copyright claimed. This will automatically put copyright credits at the end of the...
  2. Aaron Shepanik

    Learning The Fretboard – Lesson 42

    Not perfect but mostly there---
  3. Aaron Shepanik

    Introduction to Bending Strings – Lesson 43

    Much appreciated. I'll try a new string, but I'm guessing you're probably on to something about not muting properly!
  4. Aaron Shepanik

    Introduction to Bending Strings – Lesson 43

    let's see if I can attach this video here:
  5. Aaron Shepanik

    Introduction to Bending Strings – Lesson 43

    Sure can---too late tonight but will do tomorrow!
  6. Aaron Shepanik

    Introduction to Bending Strings – Lesson 43

    ****Possible gear related question about bending**** I'm learning a song that has a whole step bend on the high string tuned down half step from e-flat to G (i.e. whole step bend starting on the 12 fret). It's a very tasty bend-release-bend. I usually practice not plugged in so...
  7. Aaron Shepanik

    Learning The Fretboard – Lesson 42

    Thanks man!! Yupp I've watched your vid already :):):), chunking the notes has helped tremendously, the chunk of four (F, G, A, B) for some reason seemed too much for me so I'm splitting those four into two chunks of two.
  8. Aaron Shepanik

    Learning The Fretboard – Lesson 42

    Update---I'm still working on this XD. I'm feeling pretty good with knowing, C, D, E, and F so far on the fret board. Next is G, and then A and B. My thought is that I can input the sharps then kinda ad-lib but we'll see.
  9. Aaron Shepanik

    Learning The Fretboard – Lesson 42

    hey way to go. I'm buying in to this too, now. I'm going to try to learn the notes on the fretboard first, then, if I actually know them all, should be able to burn through any major scale with one note per string. Lofty goal, I know, but gonna start with the memorization first!
  10. Aaron Shepanik

    Alternate Picking Exercises 1 & 2 – Lesson 40

    Hmm, thank you for sharing. I understand using songs you want to play as a motivator, that's how I got into guitar in the first place. I guess I relate to this to something like a sport, say, basketball, where playing the song is like the "game" itself and technique practice like alternate...
  11. Aaron Shepanik

    Alternate Picking Exercises 1 & 2 – Lesson 40

    16th triplets at 175?!?!
  12. Aaron Shepanik

    Alternate Picking Exercises 1 & 2 – Lesson 40

    Any thoughts on when it is reasonable to mark this complete? This is biggest "blank" for me on working on the lessons here like it's a class in general. Target BPM's or other specific guidance would be great. For example, I can play these at 120 bpm in eighth-note triplets, which may be fast for...
  13. Aaron Shepanik

    How fast are you guys?

    I’ve been able to play 16th’s at 140 bpm for like a year and have never been able to get passed that. Of course any solo I want to learn requires me to play faster than that so fml LOL.
  14. Aaron Shepanik

    NEW HOMEWORK: Lesson 10 And Tutorials!

    @jak @ailee Thank you both for the comments!! @calvin Thanks! TBH I’m not exactly sure how the video was recording the audio, I think it was getting both the built-in mic and some direct from amplitube–I’m still working understanding all the settings while recording video.
  15. Aaron Shepanik

    NEW HOMEWORK: Lesson 10 And Tutorials!

    OK I gave the lesson 10 HW a shot. Beginner level.
  16. Aaron Shepanik

    NEW HOMEWORK: Lesson 10 And Tutorials!

    Hey so I just started finding this “Homework/Class” on the message boards and it looks like you guys are already a few months in. What’s the best way to get in on this—wait till next time, start from the beginning and try to catch up?