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  1. robi turner

    The Lydian Mode – Lesson 63

    Thank senator gates, you really my idol..but i have another question..Can this method be used in all modes, apart from Lydian mode?
  2. robi turner

    The Lydian Mode – Lesson 63

    Thank senator gates, you really my idol..but i have another question..Can this method be used in all modes, apart from Lydian mode?
  3. robi turner

    Step by step, lets go!!! Above average

    Step by step, lets go!!! Above average
  4. robi turner

    Overview of The CAGED System – Lesson 23

    Please give us some tips about hearing, when we breakdown a song use this stuff CAGED SYSTEM? especially your song in A7X
  5. robi turner

    Give me some tips

    Saya ingin membuat lagu yang gila seperti synyster gates, di mana selalu ada solo di setiap chorus, akan terjadi hanmony dengan campuran vokal penyanyi, apa tips Anda?
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    Login • Instagram

    Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.
  7. Login • Instagram

    Login • Instagram

    Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.
  8. robi turner

    Introducing and learning modes

    Thank you my brother you help me a lot, next time please share how to make a song, tips and trick
  9. robi turner

    Introducing and learning modes

    Terima kasih saudara saya, Anda sangat membantu saya, saya ingin membuat lagu pertama saya, apakah ada ide untuk saya bagaimana membuat solo di lagu itu? kami
  10. robi turner

    Introducing and learning modes

    Thanks you, if any idea please share, im just beginner 🙏😁
  11. robi turner

    Introducing and learning modes

    Mohon bantuannya bro, saya masih pemula
  12. robi turner

    Introducing and learning modes

    Hallo guys, im a new student from indonesia, any people here who from indonesia? I love the way synyster gates playing guitar, he's masterpiece about modes, here I have difficulty in learning modes, I'm curious how Synyster Gates and all of you who master modes, are there any tips and tricks for...
  13. robi turner

    Boom baby!!

    Boom baby!!